Team Members Deserve a Collective Agreement
Like many of the automotive manufacturing plants in Ontario, Toyota plants are in a period of non-production because of a parts shortage.
Parts shortages are something that all of us have dealt with many times working in the auto industry over the years. Having a collective agreement always helps during these times.
The impact of these shortages are very different for Unifor represented D3 autoworkers and TMMC Team Members.
Unifor understood that shortages from time to time were inevitable in this industry and negotiating provisions in the collective agreement to protect workers was essential.
Unifor members in the D3 have a Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) program. This means, if there is any part shortages, broken equipment, or anything that ceases production, Unifor members remain off the job and collect a combination of Employment Insurance and SUB. This guarantees that they continue to receive 80% of their weekly wages for up to 2 years.
Unifor members are not asked to take vacation and workers are given the option of doing additional tasks in the plant if needed but it is not mandatory.
For Team Members at Toyota we know that you face very different scenarios. You can take the time off unpaid or use vacation, and if there is enough work to go around, some of you will get the option of cleaning or working on Kaizens.
The time is now to get Toyota Team Members the representation they deserve! Below is a link to the electronic union card. If you have not previously signed, please click the button and fill out the required fields. The card is 100% confidential. If you have signed already, forward this email to a co-worker who may not have signed.
Unifor Organizers are always available to answer any questions or concerns from Team Members, so feel free to reach out to us by email, phone, or text.
Cambridge North - Hassan Mirza, [email protected], 647-892-2341
Cambridge South - Justin Minello, [email protected], 905-464-7275
Woodstock - Todd Riverso, [email protected], 647-883-8662