Survey Says…

Thank you to all the Team Members who took the time to fill out the survey sent to you a couple of weeks ago. The information we received from the survey will go a long way in guiding us as we continue to build momentum toward getting TMMC TMs to a certification vote.
For those who have not had the chance yet, it is not too late to have your voice heard. Click the link below and take a couple minutes to fill out the survey.
The results of the survey showed that Team Member’s share serious concerns about your current working conditions at TMMC.
Fairness and Favoritism
Rating the highest amongst participants was Fairness and Favoritism in the workplace. Joining Unifor would be taking a huge step towards addressing this. A Collective Agreement with language that is clear and transparent, with enforceable rules and policies, make it far more difficult for employers to continuously show favoritism towards a particular employee or group of employees.
Respect and Harassment
Unfortunately this was another big issue identified by participants. Every Unifor Collective Agreement has a full section on Anti Harassment. Without specific language, employer policies on harassment, almost always say that there is Zero Tolerance for Harassment, but when it comes time to enforce the policy workers are always disappointed with the lack of employers commitment to enforcement. Workers in Canada have the right to work in a harassment free workplace. No exceptions. Joining Unifor means having a legally binding Collective Agreement with a process to follow if harassment occurs, and trained union members who specialize in harassment investigations and supporting anyone that experiences harassment. That’s how Unifor makes Zero Tolerance workplaces possible and TMs deserve this level of respect.
Workload and Line Speed
Workload and Line Speed were also identified as a major concern in the survey. We hear over and over stories of workers at Toyota who have been injured on the job, most who continue to work hurt everyday. Unifor takes health and safety very seriously! Unifor Members at Detroit 3 automakers also have language and benefits that TMs deserve when it comes to Workload and Line Speed. In the Detroit 3 plants, we have members who are fully trained in Time Study and Ergonomics to ensure that you receive a fair assessment when it comes to your job function in order to prevent injury.
Wages, Pensions, and Benefits
The final identified issue was Wages, Pensions, and Benefits. Toyota has always attempted to mirror the gains made in the Detroit 3…..or have they? They may have kept up with wage increases in the past, but in the recent Unifor negotiations with the Detroit 3, Toyota has even fallen short on that despite the record profits made by this company. Toyota Team Members want their fair share of that profit. Team members want pension credits from the moment they start working, not 2 or 3 years after they move from contract to full-time. Sitting down and negotiating a collective agreement that outlines all of these important items is paramount, and you’re ready!
As you can see in this quick snapshot, for every issue TMs identified as important on the survey, joining Unifor would provide a solution. Having a “seat at the table” when decisions on processes and procedures are being developed and changed can, and will, make all the difference. Stay tuned and look for additional fact sheets on all of these issues in the coming days.
For these and the many other reasons we hear from you every day, thousands of you have already signed a Unifor membership card.
***If you haven't already signed you can do so by clicking this link. As always, signing a union membership card is your legal right and is 100% confidential.***
If you have any questions regarding the campaign to unionize TMMC, please feel free to contact any of your Unifor Organizers.