Retirement years Toyota
“When I started at Toyota, I was happy to have a job even though I was initially hired as a contract employee. After working for many years and starting to think about retiring, I wish I had those years to put toward my pension. Now, I will have to work an extra 3 more years because my contract time didn’t count.” - Team Member
Have you started to think about your retirement? How many pensionable years will you have?
At Toyota, some people remain as contract employees for many years before being hired on as full time employees. Those years that you spend as a contract employee do not count toward your pension. It’s like you are starting work at a brand new company.
Joining Unifor will allow Toyota workers to bargain with the employer to change this system. Pensions are an important issue to Unifor as we believe people deserve to have financial security when they leave the workplace.
Sign your union card today, and demand that all of your working years count toward your pension.
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