Job Security: What Does it Mean to You?

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Unifor for Toyota
|October 06, 2021

Without a union for Toyota workers, you currently have no way of negotiating with the company or even finding out Toyota’s production plans. Becoming a Unifor member would change that dramatically. Signing your union card is the first step towards feeling secure about your job and having a say in your future.

Let’s talk job security. Did you see the announcement at the GM CAMI plant in Ingersoll this week? Workers there landed a new product commitment that will secure jobs for years to come.

 “In January, GM announced CAMI will make the BrightDrop EV600, a large commercial van. It is investing $1 billion to make CAMI the first large-scale auto plant in Canada converted to produce electric delivery vehicles. Commercial production is to begin in November.”

Full article here >>>

“Our highly skilled members at CAMI are the best fit to deliver large-scale production of both models of GM’s zero-emission electric delivery vehicles and meet increasing global demand,” Unifor National President Jerry Dias said in a release.

Full release here >>>

A new product commitment is always exciting news and gives workers more confidence about their job security and their future. The fact that this new product brings another next-generation electric vehicle into the plant is even more promising for its long-term viability. This new product commitment is a direct result of Unifor’s Detroit Three negotiations, which secured approximately $6 billion in corporate and government investments to build next-generation hybrid and battery electric vehicles in Ontario.

Having a union at Toyota means bargaining a contract that includes Team Members' voices in what the company plans to build at your plant and for how long. In those negotiations, the company has an obligation to disclose its business plans and must live up to its commitments for the duration of the agreement.

Having a union also means holding regular union-management meetings in between contracts. These meetings provide an opportunity for information to be shared with workers and for Team Members’ concerns to be addressed.

Team Members’ biggest concern continues to be fairness and favouritism. Every day, Toyota Team Members reach out to Unifor organizers about the lack of fairness in Toyota’s job bidding process, including clear cases of favouritism and preferential treatment.

A collective agreement provides a set of clear rules and guidelines for any job bidding process and a grievance procedure in case of any disputes. That’s what all Unifor autoworkers enjoy right now and what TMMC Team Members deserve.

The best way to secure your future and make Toyota a better and fairer workplace is to sign your union card today.